All articles
Technology articles from code to teams to organisational transformation by Luke Morton.
Defining your ways of working
On defining your ways of working: turning ideas into value, deciding how to work together, nurturing a feedback culture and adapting your process to meet changing needs.
Every team helps to develop software
On how truly digital organisations include every team in their software development process. Technology is no longer just an IT affair.
What is a software development team?
On software development teams: how to form one, what good looks like and how to set them up for success.
Digital social distancing
On the irony that social distancing has brought us all together more frequently. I think I'm going to need to create some digital social distancing for myself too.
Moving slow
On slowing the pace of life – we all face it whether you like the idea or not. I've been facing up to this reality and have found the time and space to share my thoughts here.
An introduction to trunk-based development
Introducing trunk-based development and it's relationship to the widely used practice continuous integration. If you do continuous integration, you should be doing trunk-based development.
Ways of approaching Clean Architecture
In which I ask questions about the ways that a team might approach Clean Architecture in a way you can still benefit from the productivity of a framework.
Why take a Clean Architecture approach to Rails?
On the reasoning why and how you might use a Clean Architecture approach in Rails applications. Warning: it's nuanced and full of compromise.
Nuances in Clean Architecture
In which I try to untangle the differences in Clean Architecture implementations.
Importance of information in agile delivery
On the importance of information management in agile delivery teams. Agile artefacts such as roadmaps, backlogs and boards are all too often ephemeral making it harder to get a full view of the digital products you are building and managing over time.
Decoupling the delivery mechanism
On the trouble you can encounter when trying to separate your domain logic from a framework like Rails.
Lightweight docker images for Go
On building lightweight Docker images for Go applications.
Deploying a Go app on Now
A walkthrough on how to use Docker to deploy a Go app on Zeit's Now realtime global deployment platform.
Business logic in Rails
On structuring Rails apps for growth. Often a tricky area this article will walk you through a refactor and hopefully you'll walk away with a few more ideas for structuring your business logic.
Do the thing that hurts the most
A story of fight over flight. Or how doing the things you're uncomfortable with can help you in the long run.
Feature testing in 2016
In which I outline a strategy for Feature testing with rspec and capybara.
Getting better mileage out of Active Record
In which I provide a few links to help scale the M in MVC, the ActiveRecord in rails.
Hiatus Over
Where I explain what I've been up to.
More methods, more problems
An explanation as to why I don't like more than one public method per class.
Sans framework generation
That's right. It's time to leave your frameworks behind you.
Introducing the Interaction, Data and View design pattern.
Some thoughts on application interaction. This is your application logic and controllers.
Some thoughts on the data triad. That is mappers, models and actions.
Some thoughts on the view triad. That is templates, models and template engines.
Hashes for Data
This is my take on using hashes to transfer data between behaviour. You might know hashes as maps or associative arrays.
Data and Behaviour
This is my take on data and behaviour. The two intertwinning components that make our programs.
Taking SRP further
This is my take on the single responsibility principle and how we can take it further.
Thanks for checking out my articles!