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More methods, more problems

14th November 2013 by Luke Morton

An explanation as to why I don't like more than one public method per class.

I've written about this before. If your classes are going to have a single responsibility why offer more than one way to perform that responsibility?

Multiple methods per class – and by this I mean publically exposed ones – cause problems in a number of ways.

Multiple responsibilities

Firstly methods should do something. If your class has multiple public methods it will likely be doing multiple things.

So here we have a large model UserModel. You should already have your nose up at this unimplemented class. It does too much. The methods #register, #login and #update_profile might have logic in common but they are very different and have different responsibilities. Having all these methods in one class means you will have some shared logic in private methods but a hell of a lot of specific private methods that aren't used by the other public methods.

Using the Data component of IDV you could create three data actions:

They might share some logic but package that logic up in another class they all share rather than putting all this logic in one class.

You could share logic by an abstract class but this isn't wise in the long run. Inheritence should be avoided as much as multiple public methods. Multiple responsibilities and extension of abstract (or even worse concrete) classes are examples of coupling and aren't as flexible as dependency injection.

Inject shared logic at runtime rather than couple your code all the time

An Exception

Let's move onto an exception. Sometimes your methods might be completely related to one another. The only two examples of valid multi-method classes I can think of are Interaction Controllers and Data Mappers.

Let's take a user data mapper for example.

So why do I think this is okay? Well firstly a mongo specific data mapper for a user is a pretty specific responsibility. The class does not have one single responsibility though. It has the responsibility of finding one document by ID and many documents by an array of IDs. Two responsibilities but I still think this is okay and let me explain why.

The methods #find_one_by_id and #find_by_ids are standalone but will share the collection instance injected so this is one bit of logic that would need to be repeated or inherited if we split this class into two.

Both methods share the state initialised on construction, the collection, however they are still fairly independent and atomic. I see these methods as single responsibilties packaged under a single namespace UserMongoDataMapper. As long as the methods remain SRP and share the majority of logic within the data mapper then they can remain in one class.

So we've now identified an exception – that is – when methods are independent, atomic and share most private logic in the class then it might be okay to keep them in one object.


Atomicity is important. I might have just made that word up so I'll define it. When calling the method it should be totally independent and rely on no shared state with other public methods. If by calling #find_one_by_id affected a later call to #find_by_ids then these methods would not be atomic. They are coupled and definitely not single responsibility. Furthermore leaking these implementation side effects into your application means you are introducing hidden coupling into your application. Little secrets such as the side effects of calling methods of an instance in different orders lead to many subtle bugs. Just don't do it!

The obvious

Multiple public methods make a class more difficult to reason about. The developer using it will need to know when to use what methods, the interfaces for each method and so will your code. The more methods in your program the more coupled to implementation your application will become. This should be obvious:

The more code you write the more problems you are going to have so don't write as much


I'm going to quickly summarise the points I've made so you can argue in favour of the statement "more methods, more problems".

  • Methods have a single responsibility, having multiple methods per class means the class does not have a single responsibility
  • Methods may share logic with related methods but they will also have independent logic – coupling related methods is a messy way to share logic between components – try injecting logic instead
  • Methods should be atomic operations, if they aren't then you'll be introducing hidden coupling (think method call order) and subtle bugs into your application
  • The more methods you write, the more code your application will have, the more the code, the more the bugs

The OOP lot like to hide complexity in pretty looking chainable fluid interfaces. That's an ironically complex solution for a problem aimed at reducing complexity.

I know what the magicians are saying, "a class with a few setters and getters is hardly complex."

Maybe not but I'm not buying your evil magic friend. You and your tempting class of tricks can stay away from my application party.

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