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Sans framework generation

28th September 2013 by Luke Morton

That's right. It's time to leave your frameworks behind you.

This isn't advice. Okay it is. But you seriously need to think about what I'm about to say. Read and reread the following statement.

Frameworks aren't bad, but being locked into them is

What do I mean by this? I mean bad things come from projects that get locked to a framework. By locked I mean coupled. Slow rails tests anyone? Difficulty deconstructing applications into smaller services due to reliance on a particular way of doing something? Decided omakase isn't for you?

Whatever the problem it comes down to locking yourself in. Vendor lock in is shitty. When your entire business gives itself to one vendor it's a risk.

There's a better way. Write your business logic before choosing a framework. Work out your wireframes, build HTML prototypes, do some TDD for your user stories. The key is to defer the framework decision. Hell, defer all your base.

I'm serious here. Why write your framework code first? How does it make any sense to do something the rails way? You should do it your applications way. That doesn't mean your application logic won't fit into the rails paradigm. Just write your application logic so it doesn't care for what interface it uses to deliver content to the user. Rails does this particularly poorly since you end up using a lot of logic provided by it's framework. To get the benefits of rails you do really have to go the rails way, but then you're fucked.

You decide where you stand but I'm of the sans framework generation.

Comments to @LukeMorton please.

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